Fundamentally, every single thought you have is creative. Both the positive, good-feeling ones and the negative, bad-feeling ones. Even the subconscious ones. Even the thought …
Fundamentally, every single thought you have is creative. Both the positive, good-feeling ones and the negative, bad-feeling ones. Even the subconscious ones. Even the thought …
What if every thought was a self-fulfilling prophecy? What if every notion, judgment, or idea you had would eventually become a reality? If it was …
Most of us would say we want more–more money, more time, more love, more ease, more health. That’s fine. And there really isn’t that much …
Have you ever caught yourself in a foul or fearful mood and wondered, “Who ordered this mess?” Worse, have you gotten angry or worried about …
When you wake from a nightmare you get yourself back to a peaceful sleep by distracting yourself with thoughts you enjoy: an upcoming vacation, the …
In a typical week, I will hear people say things like “My boss doesn’t focus on the right things.” “My employee can’t work well with …
You are exactly one thought away from having the success you desire, whatever it is. The trick is to Find that thought (try this), Think …
How do you feel right now? What thoughts are going through your mind that have you feeling that way? What one thought can you think …
Time for another thought game. Pretend that everyone you met knew–without you saying and regardless of how you might cover it up–what you thought and …
Let’s play a thought game… Pretend you make a wish that the craziness stops and everything in your work and personal lives is exactly as …