Thriving Companies Need Healthy Senior Teams

Thriving Companies Need Healthy Senior Teams

Save time, make better decisions, execute smarter, and enjoy more.


For measured improvement in

Senior Leadership Team Strength

Alignment, collaboration, trust, decision making, accountability, and execution across the senior team.

Company Health

Greater capacity to sustainably, scalably deliver the right things at the next level of growth.

Leadership Effectiveness

Give your team more clarity, engage their sense of ownership, and build the environment so that they deliver great work they are proud of.


You are a leader of a growing company and you’re ready to take it to the next level of growth.

But you’re frustrated because it’s getting harder to get everyone on the same page, working on the right things, and generating the right results. You’re spending too much time in the business instead of on it. And people are starting to get distracted by stress, drama, burnout, and slipping results.

You’re not alone. Every growing company hits spots where what got them here can’t help them go further.

Therefore, redirect a portion of your time to improve your senior team’s capacity to align, make high-quality decisions, effectively execute on them, and enjoy it all more. Show me a thriving company and I’ll show you a healthy senior team. Where your company struggles, we can diagnose and repair the root causes at the senior-team level.


The Fish Thrives from the Head

A company's success or failure reflects its leadership team. Leaders should invest time in building strong, aligned teams that make good decisions and execute well. Regardless of your position, work to create a thriving environment with your available resources, making a positive impact. Remember, everyone is a leader. More "The Fish Thrives from the Head"

For the Health of Your Company, Drop the Ball

If you are still the decider-in-chief--that is, if you are still stepping in to solve a problem for someone on your team --you are getting in the way of what you and your company need and want. Instead, tell them, "This is yours. How can I help?" More "For the Health of Your Company, Drop the Ball"


First we assess your company’s current level of thriving–its capacity to scale, deliver, and enjoy sustainably–across seven priority areas: mindset, senior team strength, alignment, enrollment, steering, innovation, and funding. We look at what’s going right for the company now and what would make it even better. Next we look more closely how the senior team operates. Again, we look a what’s right and what would be even better. I call out the key issues and opportunities. I facilitate fruitful and sometimes difficult discussions to get alignment and commitment. Then, we improve something important and immediate with the team.

As we proceed, we will build up trust and momentum, pick the next thing, and repeat as needed. Each time, you decide how much you want to take on and how much help you’d like from me.

My role

My role is being “in your corner.” I am strategic advisor, change agent, and executive coach to you and your team. I guide you through the process. I help make the work smooth and effectively-aligned to your growth strategy. Clients say they like how quickly I get to know them, their team, and their business. Because I help them unlock hidden talents and work so much together better, they refer to me as their Wendy Rhoades, Ted Lasso, business therapist, catalyst, or–in one case–honorary founder and partner. My inside-outsider status helps you get relevant perspective. I also set you up with a confidential, best-fit peer support team–often seen as getting the “cheat codes” for leading thriving companies.


The Thrive Strategic Workshop

Any company can thrive but most don’t. In this ½-day workshop, you and your team will see how to be a company that does. You will start by capturing a thriving vision. This will dovetail with and support your overall mission, vision, and strategy. Next, you will identify obstacles to thriving and start dismantling them. Then you will build a high-level plan including a cost-benefit analysis so you can trust that any investment in thriving will be worth it. I recommend this workshop as a kick-off to a strategy/planning session, a great way to start an executive retreat, or as preparation for any strategic initiative.

3-Step Loop

To re-direct that portion of time and resources so you can align more, make better decisions, execute smarter, and enjoy it all more, we will install the 3-Step Loop routine. This habit will help you build the company’s capacity to thrive.

Step 1: Health Check. Do a company health check: how well are you thriving across the seven priority areas or lenses: mindset, senior team strength, alignment, enrollment, steering, innovation, and funding. Then select between one and three important area(s) to address.

Step 2: Boost. Plan, commit, execute, track, and adjust to deliver boosts to those areas. We use a quarterly cadence plus as-needed coaching and workshops.

Step 3: Repeat. Every quarter, evaluate progress, check-in on overall company health, and choose the next area to boost. Every year, re-assess progress on your company’s health and set goals for the upcoming quarters.

Senior Team Design

Leadership teams usually need a refresh so they can lead the company to thrive at a new level of growth and complexity. So we clarify what the senior team is responsible for (e.g. maintain and grow the company’s level of thriving) and what it’s not, hone in on the strengths of the leaders, define the roles we need now, resolve any gaps or overlaps, simplify meeting cadences, and reset healthy norms.

Executive Coaching

Confidential, experienced sounding board, accountability partner, and/or leadership development partner. We can work for a reason (a specific goal), a season (a project, challenge, or time of change), or on-going support of you, your team, and your goals.

Peer Learning

In partnership with MacKay CEO Forums, you get confidential, best-fit, highest-impact, and lowest-time-commitment groups for CEOs and executives. You’ll join a choice group of leaders committed to growth, inspired leadership, and the effectiveness of peer learning.


Consulting Company CEO

“We have worked with Mike since we started the company over 15 years ago. Along the way, he provided the insight and guidance so that we could take the company further than any of us thought possible. Of course, we put in all the sweat, sleepless nights, and investments. But without Mike, we would not have gotten here.”

Public Sector CEO

“Whatever the leadership situation, Michael points me to powerful solutions–ones I usually already know–that cut through the mess and just work.”

Publicly-traded Company CFO

“Michael is like our Wendy Rhoades, the character in Billions, who helps executives stay clear, steer well, and thrive.”

Let’s See

If this resonates, let’s talk. We can explore what’s working in your company and what would make it even better. You will walk away with a game plan and we can decide whether it make sense for me to help.

Please let me know some times that would work for you. Or, if it’s easier, book a convenient time here.