Jeans, Shoes, and Delegation
Have you ever tried to take off or put on a pair of jeans without first removing your shoes? When we are in a hurry, …
Have you ever tried to take off or put on a pair of jeans without first removing your shoes? When we are in a hurry, …
There is a secret to life. And the poets and other artists know it! Who’d have guessed, eh? They really want us to know it, …
Sometimes we compete on price not value. Sometimes we attribute the basest of motivations to others and similarly justify our own slide. Sometimes, when we …
Changing another’s behavior is tricky. We know because we tend to resist others who try to change us. Here’s one way that usually works, though. …
“It is OK to let your freak flags fly and embrace the quirkmeister that’s inside of all of us.” –k.d. lang The truth is, we …
If we don’t agree on what is now true, what we want it to be in the future, and why, then we are doomed to …
Tell me something you really, really need in your life. And I’ll tell you what you really, really need to give to others. “Whoa,” you …
Most of the time, life happens to us. And that is fun, interesting, and safe. Sometimes, though, we need to happen to life. If we …
There is a way of moment-to-moment living that is very different from how we ordinarily live. It is deep, useful, beautiful, helpful, powerful, and calm. …
One reason we micromanage is the way we value our work. When we arrived on this planet, we were motivated. We wanted to get good …