Exquisite Opportunities
Exquisite Opportunities

Exquisite Opportunities

If we know that we have a habit of thought or behavior that no longer serves us, we can

  1. Ignore it. Honestly. We can just ignore it and keep on truckin’. Who says we have to change anything?
  2. Make excuses. “Oh, that’s just how I am,” is a good excuse. So are, “That’s the way life is” and “I am not strong enough.”
  3. Blame others or situations. “I’m this way because…” Classic, eh?
  4. Try to change. We can push ourselves to change, try hard to stay on track, and use misery, guilt, or punishment if we fall off.
  5. Commit. We can commit to replacing the old habit with one that works for us and gently hop back into our commitment as soon as we notice we have fallen off.

Options 1 through 4 are legit. They are exquisite learning opportunities. They help us know with certainty how useful Option 5 is.


In your corner,



PS: Of course, if you want to jump straight to Option 5, I won’t tell. Mums the word. Wink wink.

Today’s photo credit: floato via photopin cc

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