The Effectiveness Habits: an Overview
For quick reference and review, here is a list of the seven Effectiveness Habits with brief descriptions and links to detailed descriptions of each. 1 …
Improving how we deliver sustainably and scalably.
For quick reference and review, here is a list of the seven Effectiveness Habits with brief descriptions and links to detailed descriptions of each. 1 …
So, have you built your system of lists yet? Have you adopted more than one of the seven Effectiveness Habits yet? No?! I’m shocked. Actually, …
You may have an item or two on your to-do list(s) that seem to just sit there, gathering dust, and not getting done. Every time …
The Ladder, like The Flip, helps with Effectiveness Habit #2: Feel Good. Then Act. To feel good, remove your attention from thoughts about what you do not want as …
The Flip is an unexpectedly effective tool you can use to feel good before you act. (See Effectiveness Habit #2: Feel Good. Then Act.) When …
One sure way to having lots of stress is a looooooong and growing to-do list. Double your “fun” with a generous sprinkling of artificial due …
Another useful way to Relax into Productivity is to realize that there is absolutely no way to get everything done. Many people harbor the desire …
Supporting the Effectiveness Habits is your system of lists. Design a system of lists that will work for you. I suggest you design something simple …
You can build today’s habit to strengthen the other six. Effectiveness Habit #7: Cultivate Access to You Due in part to our busy-ness, we regularly …
How do you really, really stay on top of things? Build today’s habit: Effectiveness Habit #6: Refresh Every day, as you will put new emails, …