

Many of us fall prey to drama at work and in life.

When I raise the alarm, call out the failings, or even just quietly complain, I hope to move people to my cause through commiseration (literally, being miserable with me). I may do this angrily, dryly, boisterously, or even warmly. I don’t even know I’m doing it. The result: whole companies or families tumble into a funk because one or a few of us are unconsciously whipping up the drama.

Drama does damage because, in that funk, we put way too much of our focus on what’s wrong. We direct our attention to making the dramatist feel better (then we can feel better, too). This leaves us with surprisingly little mental or emotional resources to make things better.

Instead of falling into drama’s trap, we can choose to springboard off of what’s wrong. Not commiserating, we pivot to, “I get it; let’s improve it.” Focusing on what’s right and committing to make it even better, we gather the resources we need to quickly solve what’s wrong.

Works wonders. No drama needed.


In your corner,



Today’s photo credit: Claudio Nichele (@jihan65) Busto (cortile interno piazza Navona, Roma) via photopin (license)

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