Three Questions to Brighten Your Day
How do you feel right now? What thoughts are going through your mind that have you feeling that way? What one thought can you think …
An open, calm, confident mindset. Plugged in, mostly. Opting for feel good, then act instead of get into action to shut down bad feelings.
How do you feel right now? What thoughts are going through your mind that have you feeling that way? What one thought can you think …
Why not to do anything : To pay the bills To avoid pain To please another To get the girl or guy To stay safe …
Let’s play a thought game… Pretend you make a wish that the craziness stops and everything in your work and personal lives is exactly as …
You can hope that something will happen. And we all know that hope is not a strategy. You can try to make something happen. It …
We have an odd tendency to pin blame on others instead of the situation. Social psychologists call this the fundamental attribution error (FAE). Think of …
Here are two oddly effective steps to improve your relationship and influence with anyone. Say silently to yourself about the other person, “I see that …
They say that Opportunity does not knock twice. Don’t believe them. Opportunity knocks and knocks. Each knock offers a different opportunity, of course. Not better …
I wonder what William Blake meant when he said “The fool who persists in his folly will become wise.” Here’s one interpretation: “What you believe …
Yesterday we saw how we get to define the meaning of things and how liberating it is to do so. Here are some examples to …
Life, eh? What does it all mean? Why are we here? What’s the purpose? Who am I? Where do I fit in the world, in the …