Strong Decisions Quickly
We can waste lots of time and energy by trying to think our way through problems, to figure out what to do next, or to make …
An open, calm, confident mindset. Plugged in, mostly. Opting for feel good, then act instead of get into action to shut down bad feelings.
We can waste lots of time and energy by trying to think our way through problems, to figure out what to do next, or to make …
We tend to see life as a series of ups and downs, of struggles and plateaus, of things that happen to us and our reactions. …
When we catch ourselves feeling bad, sometimes it’s difficult to feel good right away. In these cases, the best we can do is feel just …
How did you start your work day today? Was it calm or frantic? Feeling good or feeling bad? Chances are good that the tone of …
The simplest tool for feeling good is the Flip: when we catch ourselves feeling bad, we deliberately generate a thought that feels better. Another version …
Professional assessments accurately measure different aspects of who we are. We can use them to learn about our styles, comfort zones, drivers, and capabilities. One …
All of our (bad) stress comes from a single source: our attempts to force life to be a certain way. That tension we feel in …
When we raise our buzz, magic happens. Problems get easier to solve, circumstances shift for the better, and people and resources show up to help. …
I feel good. – James Brown Learning to feel good–to raise our buzz–is vitally important to becoming more successful. Many complain that feeling good is such hard …
What do you most want right now? And why do you want it? And why is that? And why is that? (et cetera) If …