Struggling with Something? C’mon Back
Struggle means getting caught in a do-have loop. Whenever we are struggling with a problem, we are most assuredly doing things over and over in an …
An open, calm, confident mindset. Plugged in, mostly. Opting for feel good, then act instead of get into action to shut down bad feelings.
Struggle means getting caught in a do-have loop. Whenever we are struggling with a problem, we are most assuredly doing things over and over in an …
We humans love a good story. Want to bore someone to tears? Give them the facts. Want to engage and move someone? Tell them a …
There is a world within – a world of thought and feeling and power; of light and life and beauty and, although invisible, its forces …
We can live life and lead others as if we are waiting for the other shoe to drop. Anticipating that something bad is bound to happen …
Raising our buzz is a sure way to feel better and get better solutions to whatever at work or home. But sometimes we actually resist …
Circumstance does not make the man. It reveals him to himself. -James Allen We can deal with these circumstances (you know, the ones we face …
Imagining is another tool to help raise our buzz. Start each day imagining what it will feel like when you have whatever it is that you have been …
We have a story in our family about Aunt Lavie. While she was a young girl, the building housing what was once her small town’s library …
None of us is perfect yet we invest untold energy trying to be and convincing others that we are. None of us has our stuff …
Our organizations reflect our own wisdom and development level as leaders. Where we see things going well, we can credit ourselves for helping create this …