Micromanagement, Motivation, and Getting Stuff Done
One reason we micromanage is the way we value our work. When we arrived on this planet, we were motivated. We wanted to get good …
Tips and Insights about influencing people toward shared goals.
One reason we micromanage is the way we value our work. When we arrived on this planet, we were motivated. We wanted to get good …
Q: Does the leader make the team or the team the leader? A: Yes. A successful group needs a great team and leader. Change either …
A forceful leader defends her vulnerabilities and discounts her people’s capabilities. All that remains available to her to get things done is some form of …
Which is more valuable? To be the one who has the answer or to be the one who knows that we will find the answer …
When leaders act as if there is one right way–their way, they become micromanagers. If this is you, please cut it out. You’re working way …
You can make me responsible. And I will feel quite proud about that until you jump in and tell me what to do, how to …
Long ago, companies were run by standardizing, squeezing out waste, and controlling everything. To make that work, employees were expected to know stuff that kept …
Sure you can worry, complain, or get angry about another person’s decisions, behaviors, or attitude. You can go ahead and demand, plead, negotiate, attack, capitulate, …
There are several good ways to lead. You can Conduct. You know what is and what is needed. You decide what others are to do, …
Organizational culture is not made with rules, procedures, processes, and systems. It does not come as a result of publishing your mission, vision, and values. …