Orders of Magnitude Impact
If we want to make a big impact, let’s get good at making a small impact then set a goal for one order of magnitude …
If we want to make a big impact, let’s get good at making a small impact then set a goal for one order of magnitude …
Try as we might, some people won’t do what we need them to do. It’s not that they are bad or stupid. It’s that they …
Our organizations need something different from us at each size and stage. What had worked so well for us becomes less and less effective as …
Training can help us grow ourselves and our organizations. It is great for creating a common understanding across people, introducing tools and approaches, and opening …
We change when the benefits minus the pains of changing are greater than the benefits minus the pains of not changing. Not because someone said …
If we want to influence a big change, we need not spend much time trying to convince the naysayers, the haters, the opponents. They will change or …
Change can appear so hard that we often will do anything to avoid it. Stagnation happens inside organizations from this fear of change. Come to …
Selling or influencing or leading change can be like riding the local train making all stops: it takes a long time. Often too long. We …
Some of us are action junkies. Some of us are devotees of the Think System. Yet whenever we want to make a change, we must …
In order to change someone’s mind, start where their mind is now. Should we start with our position–by convincing, educating, lobbying, telling, fighting, begging, tricking, …