Buzz-Raising for Profit
Avoid the temptation to label feeling good or raising your buzz as soft, touchy-feely, or impractical. Buzz-raising is an asset that generates huge profits. Feeling …
Avoid the temptation to label feeling good or raising your buzz as soft, touchy-feely, or impractical. Buzz-raising is an asset that generates huge profits. Feeling …
Here is a subtly powerful buzz-raising tool. It’s especially useful should we ever find we can’t seem to make the other tools work. The Fade: …
Henceforth I whimper no more, postpone no more, need nothing. From this hour, I ordain myself loos’d of limits and imaginary lines. – Walt Whitman …
Wherever we continue to struggle with something, we will find a long history of our bad-feeling thinking about that something. This thinking will often be …
Deep down, what do you anticipate? Failure, disappointment, fights, and struggle? Or ease, fun, freedom, success, and growth? It’s your choice. But remember: we get what we anticipate, odd as …
We humans love a good story. Want to bore someone to tears? Give them the facts. Want to engage and move someone? Tell them a …
There is a world within – a world of thought and feeling and power; of light and life and beauty and, although invisible, its forces …
Raising our buzz is a sure way to feel better and get better solutions to whatever at work or home. But sometimes we actually resist …
Circumstance does not make the man. It reveals him to himself. -James Allen We can deal with these circumstances (you know, the ones we face …
Imagining is another tool to help raise our buzz. Start each day imagining what it will feel like when you have whatever it is that you have been …