How to Build a Truly Compelling Goal
How to Build a Truly Compelling Goal

How to Build a Truly Compelling Goal

Success demands a clear, compelling, and commonly understood vision or goal. Such a goal answers the big question, “Why?” We can probably write a clear goal. And we can include whoever matters as we build it so that the goal is commonly understood. But to make it compelling our goal needs to satisfy these criteria:

  1. It comes from within. A compelling goal is not something we derive from market data or what other people think. It comes from within us, our team, and our organization.
  2. It uses our talents. Our vision or goal must take advantage of what we as a team/organization are good at doing.
  3. It matters. Our goal or vision must resonate with our values or care-abouts.
  4. It meets our needs. If a goal doesn’t generate a valuable return, we will quickly run out of time, energy, and resources to achieve it.
  5. It meets a need for others. Our goal or vision solves a problem for other people or groups of people. And they will need to see that we understand them and the problem before they let us help them.
  6. It is big. Big goals seem scary because we can’t see how to achieve them. And that’s good. We challenge ourselves to find new ways. We learn, grow, feel vitally alive, and have a whale of a time along the way.

In our hearts we know that anything less won’t work.


In your corner,



Today’s photo credit: Denis Hawkins cc

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