Expect Them to Do Well
Expect Them to Do Well

Expect Them to Do Well

We get what we expect. Not what we hope, not what we think should be. This is true in general and it is especially true for getting other people to do stuff.

When we plead or demand that others do stuff or when we worry about or criticize them for their inability to do stuff, we are relying on hope or should. If we expect them to fail, if we judge that they can’t handle it or aren’t capable, they will fail. And we will remain disappointed.

When we know better than they do that they are fully capable and we trust that they will figure it out, then they will, more often than not. They will step up. We will be delighted and so will they.

What do you expect of the people around you?


In your corner,


PS: By expect in this context we mean we know or we are certain. This version of expect is not I demand as in, “I expect you to be home by 11, young man!”

PPS: This sort of expectation initially can require a leap of faith. But the payoff is worth it.


Today’s photo credit: Scott Ableman cc