Maybe I’m Just Procrastinating
In the post, Worst Way to Start Your Day, I said that the worst way is to jump “right into your tasks out of habit, …
Your and your company’s capacity to scale, deliver, and enjoy sustainably.
In the post, Worst Way to Start Your Day, I said that the worst way is to jump “right into your tasks out of habit, …
The worst way to start your day is by knuckling down and getting to work. Jumping right into your tasks out of habit, pressure, or …
“Productivity” and “efficiency” are words that describe how we work, do tasks, get stuff done. Both words focus on increasing output per unit of resource. …
Generating win-win relationships with everyone who matters is important for your and your organization’s success. But is it always possible or reasonable to try for …
Next time you find yourself stuck, procrastinating, or at a loss for what to do, do not beat yourself up. Instead, use this tip. It …
For a bit of encouragement on your work with the Effectiveness Habits, let me share a quick success story. My friend and client, Moe, recently …
One quick way to cultivate access to you (Effectiveness Habit #7) is to read brief quotes, sayings, or thoughts that you agree with and that …
The brilliant and practical management consultant, Peter Drucker once said “Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective …
Make your Effectiveness lists as long and complex as needed. And no more than needed. Why? Because it is far better to have all the …
Your success with your Effectiveness Habits and the supporting set of lists depend to a great extent on how you see them. If you see …