One Cure for Inaction
One big source of inaction is the thought that we should shoot for big results, that we need to hit home runs to be successful. …
Your and your company’s capacity to scale, deliver, and enjoy sustainably.
One big source of inaction is the thought that we should shoot for big results, that we need to hit home runs to be successful. …
You probably already know that “shoulding” yourself leads to resistance, wasted effort, and less-than-ideal results. And that paying attention to what you truly want is …
You never meant to let it come to this. You put in the time and effort to make things work. And now, {insert dramatic music}, …
No words can cause you to see how wonderful life is or how successful you can be. That won’t stop me from trying. I …
Ever have that feeling that something you want seems out of reach? It could be anything large or small, in your personal or work life. …
Stephen Covey, in his famous book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People said, “We see the world, not as it is, but as we …
My younger son loves to ask questions. His favorite questions are ones that start, “What’s your favorite…?” These are hard questions to answer because I …
In the previous post, I said that organizations often fail because they are focused on the wrong things. Symptoms include people arguing over how something …
Organizations often fail because they focus on the wrong things. When you see any group (leadership team, functional team, sports team, board, entire organization, family, …
We like crossing things off our lists of tasks, ticking the box. When we cross off things on our lists, we get a brief sense …