A Useful Antidote to Struggle in Business, Career, and Home
We saw in the prior post that a useful antidote to struggle is a change of perspective. Instead of trying so hard to get some …
Your and your company’s capacity to scale, deliver, and enjoy sustainably.
We saw in the prior post that a useful antidote to struggle is a change of perspective. Instead of trying so hard to get some …
A client and friend of mine tends to get good parking spots at the busiest times. At the crowded supermarket, at a busy restaurant, and …
“Lowest Price Guaranteed” is an awful way to sell or buy something. When you compete mainly on price, your quality and service suffer and you struggle …
Fear that a problem is too big, too horrible, too far gone, or otherwise unsolvable is a wholly insufficient starting point for those who are …
Yesterday we saw how you get what you subtly believe you will get. A huge part of success in anything is tuning your subtle beliefs, …
Think for a moment about that project you would love to do, you have been wanting to do for quite a while, and you have …
In the past two posts we’ve covered The massive avoidable waste caused by criticism, finding fault, focusing on incompetence, and The inner shift that lets …
In the prior post we saw how criticism–focusing on incompetence–wastes the time, energy, and effort of the critic, the person being criticized, and the observers. This massive …
We waste massively when we focus on incompetence: mine, yours, or another’s. Maybe you think your boss is a jerk, your business partner is cutthroat, …
Ever get the feeling that you are an impostor? You put on a calm game face for others but inside you fear that you do …