Our Every Morning Story
“Psst. “See that pile of tasks over there? Yeah. And the other pile behind that one? And all the tasks you’ve got in your inbox …
Improving how we deliver sustainably and scalably.
“Psst. “See that pile of tasks over there? Yeah. And the other pile behind that one? And all the tasks you’ve got in your inbox …
We struggle when we try to make things happen through action (or, occasionally, avoiding action) alone. There is a better formula. And it is simple. Choose …
Wherever we see a lack of speed at work, we will find a lack of trust in self, in others, and between others. Instead of pushing …
Planning fails when we use it to control the future. Seeking to control the future comes from a distrust or fear about it. And it …
We usually think that in order to be accepted, respected, and valued in our roles, we have to know everything we should know, do everything …
One good way to begin each morning is with less than ten minutes of buzz raising to set the tone for the day. Or, we …
Overwhelmed and with so many things to do, it can feel like we are at sea. The waves of tasks and deadlines keep smashing over …
In every endeavour, we always have two choices. We can choose to believe things could or will go wrong. Or we can choose to believe …
There are exactly three ways to select the next thing to do. First, we can do whatever we always do. When faced with situation A, we …
When we wake up in the middle of the night worrying, when our chests are tight, guts are in a knot, or fists are clenched, when …