A Critical Leadership Insight
A Critical Leadership Insight

A Critical Leadership Insight

There is a fundamental insight that can change everything. At some point, hopefully, each of us as leaders (with or without title) realizes it. For, without this insight, we will continue to struggle.

The insight: in order to get the results we want, it is far easier to change ourselves than it is to try to change others.

When we try to change others or even just get them to stuff, they will resist. When we change ourselves for the better, the world around us responds in kind. It is as if the world was waiting patiently for us to shift so that it could, too.


In your corner,


PS: Example: Instead of criticizing, we become more convinced of others’ worth. Then they live up to it.

PPS: The reason we may miss this insight is that we have, from early on, become convinced that the exact opposite is true: “changing ourselves is painfully difficult and dearly expensive; we must change others.”
Today’s photo credit: the walking disaster via photopin cc

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