“You are never prepared for our meetings.” “I really am no good at sales.” “They are screwing things up.” “You are wrong.” Whenever (w-h-e-n-e-v-e-r) we …
An open, calm, confident mindset. Plugged in, mostly. Opting for feel good, then act instead of get into action to shut down bad feelings.
“You are never prepared for our meetings.” “I really am no good at sales.” “They are screwing things up.” “You are wrong.” Whenever (w-h-e-n-e-v-e-r) we …
If we expect that meeting or this interaction to go poorly, it will. If we are even concerned a bit, our results will fall short …
Deeply woven into our global culture is a belief that we each need to prove ourselves, pay dues, and try to make up for some fundamental …
As we begin our week, let’s remember that we need not get everything done. We don’t even need to get most things done. All that’s …
One way of navigating a problem is to say, “If only…” If only that person would change. If only this situation would be different. If …
Physicist Wolfgang Pauli taught us that two of the exact same types of bits of matter cannot occupy the same space at the same time. We …
We change when the benefits minus the pains of changing are greater than the benefits minus the pains of not changing. Not because someone said …
We want to be seen and to see ourselves as competent. So we are tempted to become some form of The Expert at work. Defensively, …
We handle some unfamiliar things with grace. It doesn’t matter that we’ve never been to, say, Amsterdam. We trust that there will be unfamiliar challenges like …
Feeling bad detracts from our productivity and enjoyment of work and home life. We don’t think as well. We make bad assumptions and decisions. Tempting …