Why do I write this blog?
Pretty much everything that I and others write is to remind you.
We remind you of your goodness. We remind you of the promise of life, work, home, and you. We hope you will remember that you are meant to be successful, free, joyful, and growing. We want you to keep in mind that love, service, and kindness are radically more smart and powerful than normally imagined. We write to remind you that you and everyone are radically more smart and powerful than normally imagined. We ask you to recall that you have inside everything you need.
You know all this.
In your corner,
PS: Were you looking for a more practical tip today? OK, try this. Before your next meeting, call, or segment of work, find a relatively quiet place. Rest one of your hands on your belly. Take 3 long-and-slow, deep-into-your-belly breaths in then out. Then head to your next meeting, call, or segment of work. Be willing to be surprised by the difference this makes. You will likely be much more relaxed, alert, and effective. 🙂
PPS: Of course, I write to remind me, too.