Success Is a Way, Not a Goal
Success Is a Way, Not a Goal

Success Is a Way, Not a Goal

The sages tell us to have goals but not attach to them. They warn us that having too much focus on our goals comes from some subtle belief that achieving goals is difficult or impossible. That subtle belief promotes a struggle-laced busyness which makes goals difficult or impossible to achieve. But what to do instead?

People who are successful have learned that success is a way, not a goal. They achieve goals by being successful. That is they set clear and compelling goals, they choose to go win-win-or-don’t-play with everyone, they maintain a high-buzz attitude, and they deftly select the best things to get done. They don’t stress or struggle. And their goals mostly come to fruition.


In your corner,


PS: If you catch yourself thinking something like, “When I have this, then I’ll be successful” or “I need that to be successful, happy, free, etc.,” think again.

Today’s photo credit: green ray wood via photopin (license)

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