Exquisite Opportunities
If we know that we have a habit of thought or behavior that no longer serves us, we can Ignore it. Honestly. We can just …
If we know that we have a habit of thought or behavior that no longer serves us, we can Ignore it. Honestly. We can just …
Today’s Success is Simple Top Tip: Spend 5 minutes near the start of your day slowing down, breathing, and focusing your mind on feeling good, …
There are people who will say, “You can’t.” Some may say, “You shouldn’t.” If what you do affects them directly (perhaps you are, for instance, …
Murder, conflict, politics, woe. Sigh. Whether we hear it, watch it, or read it, our daily dose of news stories feels bad, triggers defensiveness, and …
I regularly remind people that, in order to get whatever they are after, they must first feel good, then act. When we are low, the …
Q: Does the leader make the team or the team the leader? A: Yes. A successful group needs a great team and leader. Change either …
We regularly struggle in jobs that have long ago stopped working for us. We get stuck because our day-to-day busy-ness takes all our time. And …
We would be fools to think that our vision of how it should happen is the right, only, or best way. You know that, of …
When your entire team or organization is in overwhelm, one or more of these are broken. Rhythm – Too many, too few, or the wrong …
There are generally three ways to look at things. And people predominately stick with the one way they are used to. Things are bad. There’s …