Before You Can Select a System for Your Lists
Readers have asked for specific suggestions for tools–electronic and paper–for tracking and managing their Effectiveness Habits lists. An we will be looking at several very …
Your and your company’s capacity to scale, deliver, and enjoy sustainably.
Readers have asked for specific suggestions for tools–electronic and paper–for tracking and managing their Effectiveness Habits lists. An we will be looking at several very …
Reader Debbie Fletcher asked, “Do you have a mechanism or system that you use (or can suggest) to support the approach that you are recommending? …
Artificial Urgency is what you do to make some tasks stand out in your lists because you fear you won’t get them done otherwise. Artificial Urgency …
Many of you have told me, “I want to start using these effectiveness tools but I haven’t gotten around to it just yet.” If you …
When you adopt the Effectiveness Habits, you end up with a set of interrelated lists that forms your task system. Here are the most important …
Today’s note is about a basic tool called The Catch. It is a tool that most of us really need and don’t use. And if …
Success for you or your organization is simple. You need only look through four lenses described below to see where you have trouble and where …
For quick reference and review, here is a list of the seven Effectiveness Habits with brief descriptions and links to detailed descriptions of each. 1 …
You may have an item or two on your to-do list(s) that seem to just sit there, gathering dust, and not getting done. Every time …
The Ladder, like The Flip, helps with Effectiveness Habit #2: Feel Good. Then Act. To feel good, remove your attention from thoughts about what you do not want as …