When to Refresh
Daily and weekly refreshes keep your Effectiveness Habits going strong. As described in Habit #6, refreshes make sure your lists stay current and you generally …
Improving how we deliver sustainably and scalably.
Daily and weekly refreshes keep your Effectiveness Habits going strong. As described in Habit #6, refreshes make sure your lists stay current and you generally …
Where you see politics in your workplace, resist the temptation to blame your co-workers. Yes, there are some people who are naturally very political. They …
If you have a lot of work to get done today, try taking a break. Or two. Pushing hard for long periods is not that …
We talked about the importance of Effectiveness Habit #6: Refresh and what happens to your overall system if you bypass this habit. Here are the …
Ahhh! That’s what you say when you do Effectiveness Habit #6: Refresh. It helps you get back to that great-feeling, “I’m on top of it” …
In the post, Worst Way to Start Your Day, I said that the worst way is to jump “right into your tasks out of habit, …
While we may prefer to focus on the concrete Effectiveness Habits such as MOD It and the Refreshes, there is treasure in the less concrete …
The worst way to start your day is by knuckling down and getting to work. Jumping right into your tasks out of habit, pressure, or …
“Productivity” and “efficiency” are words that describe how we work, do tasks, get stuff done. Both words focus on increasing output per unit of resource. …
Next time you find yourself stuck, procrastinating, or at a loss for what to do, do not beat yourself up. Instead, use this tip. It …