An Unexpected Shortcut Through Others’ Bad Behavior
An Unexpected Shortcut Through Others’ Bad Behavior

An Unexpected Shortcut Through Others’ Bad Behavior

Much, if not all, of the bad behavior we see in others comes from fear, uncertainty, doubt, worry, anger, and remorse. (We can call all that, “fudwar.”) Fudwar and the behaviors it sponsors are habitual. That’s because fudwar feels really bad. And, at some point long ago, they adopted those behaviors we see now as a way to manage.

Reminding ourselves of others’ fudwar gives us a shot of compassion. Never underestimate your power to change everything for the better with only that shot of compassion.

In your corner,


PS: Seriously. No planning, no decisions, no actions required. Just a sort of being there with them and your shot of compassion. Weird? A tad. And a darn effective shortcut through the mess of fudwar.

PPS: Yes, of course we have our own fudwar, too.


Today’s photo credit: BaconStand via photopin cc

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