How to Silence Your Inner Critic
Our Inner Critic slows our success. It likes to distract us by arguing why something won’t work. It tells us lies about how ignorant, poor, …
An open, calm, confident mindset. Plugged in, mostly. Opting for feel good, then act instead of get into action to shut down bad feelings.
Our Inner Critic slows our success. It likes to distract us by arguing why something won’t work. It tells us lies about how ignorant, poor, …
We have a word that describes something that cannot be described with words: ineffable. (Funny, isn’t it?) Here are some examples of ineffable things: the …
In his latest book The Icarus Deception, Seth Godin makes a helpful distinction between our comfort zone and our safety zone. There is usually quite …
“I am 100% responsible,” can mean two things. The traditional definition implies being subject to praise if it works out and blame if it fails. …
Preparing for the worst has an annoying tendency to encourage the worst to accept your invitation. Oddly, so does fearing the worst. And so does …
A friend wrote: “I would love to talk to [you] about specific problems I have, to lay it all out on the table and sit …
Have you ever caught yourself in a foul or fearful mood and wondered, “Who ordered this mess?” Worse, have you gotten angry or worried about …
When reacting to a situation, you may catch yourself saying, “Well that’s just the way I am.” Correction, my friend. That is the way you …
They say that Fortune smiles on the lucky or the ready. Fortune and her sisters Love, Freedom, Health, and Happiness always smile on you. Your …
Where, at work and home, are you trying to strike a bargain that looks like this? “When X becomes true, then I will be happy, …