Why We Cannot Afford to Focus on Bad Things
Here’s another habit we all seem to have inherited: focusing on bad things and trying to prevent from happening. Like other inherited habits, this one costs us: we …
An open, calm, confident mindset. Plugged in, mostly. Opting for feel good, then act instead of get into action to shut down bad feelings.
Here’s another habit we all seem to have inherited: focusing on bad things and trying to prevent from happening. Like other inherited habits, this one costs us: we …
Stress is what we feel when we notice the gap between the way something is and the way we want it to be. Good stress is …
We can see people as either geniuses or not. If they are not, they are like machines; they have a fixed performance capacity. And we believe …
More often, when we tell the story of our future, is it of the future we want or of what we don’t want? Is our future …
As leaders (with or without title), it really feels like we are on the hot seat, doesn’t it? We feel we need to be strong, perfect, included, …
When we don’t say what needs to be said, when we don’t do the thing that is right to do, when we don’t make that big …
We always have the choice to be light and playful or to be heavy and serious. No situation at home or work demands that we …
That will never work. This is an insurmountable barrier. The problem is _______. The reality is _______. Look at how horrible this is. I/we can …
The sages tell us that everything has its time. “Whatever needs to happen will happen when it does,” they say. “Let it rest. No need …
Our edge is the border between what we know–including what we are comfortable with and what we are competent at–and what we don’t know. All new, good things in our …