I Notice
When we see someone repeatedly making the same mistake, we tend to tell them about it. The problem is, people will resist us telling them …
Tips and Insights about influencing people toward shared goals.
When we see someone repeatedly making the same mistake, we tend to tell them about it. The problem is, people will resist us telling them …
If your organization’s strategy seems confused, ineffective, or coming up short, then it may have some holes. A full strategy covers both sides of these …
Show me an organization that is suffering and I’ll show you an organization with a broken leadership team. Show me an organization that consistently thrives …
How well are you serving your company, team, clients, and boss? It is critically important to know how you are doing. And often difficult to …
The moment you blame someone or something else for the problem, you are lost. Blame is abdication and distraction. Blame is an attempt to distance …
There are four reasons people fail to delegate when they should. They Fear doing it incorrectly. “I don’t know what to delegate or how to …
Want to convince someone to do something that–so far–they have not done? You can. Just show the other person how your idea is an absolute …
Last night, my wife hosted a small meeting at our house. The group was gathered to plan an important, impactful event. My role was logistics: …
You can remove obstacles to success once you see them. This simple diagnostic will uncover most every obstacle. It works for both you and your …
Do not fight, criticize, or complain about anyone or anything. Doing so has a very odd way of cementing into your business, career, and life …