Cast A Narrow Net
We may think that casting a wide net is best. That is, we look for jobs, clients, employees, markets, and other opportunities in as many …
Tips and Insights about influencing people toward shared goals.
We may think that casting a wide net is best. That is, we look for jobs, clients, employees, markets, and other opportunities in as many …
We leaders are, in part, wizards. Like Merlin, we see the future. We say what wonderful, win-win result is going to come about when others can’t …
We can waste a lot of time, energy, and money worrying over, comparing ourselves to, or even fighting people whose ideas are different than our …
It seems pretty true that we get what we focus on. So why do we insist on complaint, criticism, and otherwise focusing on what’s wrong …
To collaborate or compete? To demand or inspire? To use emotion or logic? Compassionate or hard-headed-businessey? Yes. Both. All. In your corner, Mike PS: …
Out beyond left and right, beyond us and them, beyond even right and wrong or good and bad, there is a field rich with the …
We try to define who we are by our roles, titles, duties, traits, accomplishments, and various group memberships. Though these are completely inadequate substitutions, we …
We can’t control how people will take criticism or feedback. Any prescription for how we do it (directly, indirectly, gently, or abruptly) might work. If …
We are the leaders. More than half of the successes and failures of our organizations are down to us as leaders. Our organizations–whether they succeed …
We–the noble, effective, and very good-looking leaders that we are–don’t often tell people what to do. We save command-and-control for emergencies. Instead, we give others …