Call Forth
Don’t worry so much about the qualities people lack. One great (as in grand, epic) tool we leaders have is to practice seeing a desired …
Tips and Insights about influencing people toward shared goals.
Don’t worry so much about the qualities people lack. One great (as in grand, epic) tool we leaders have is to practice seeing a desired …
Try as we might, some people won’t do what we need them to do. It’s not that they are bad or stupid. It’s that they …
We may think that casting a wide net is best. That is, we look for jobs, clients, employees, markets, and other opportunities in as many …
We leaders are, in part, wizards. Like Merlin, we see the future. We say what wonderful, win-win result is going to come about when others can’t …
We can waste a lot of time, energy, and money worrying over, comparing ourselves to, or even fighting people whose ideas are different than our …
It seems pretty true that we get what we focus on. So why do we insist on complaint, criticism, and otherwise focusing on what’s wrong …
To collaborate or compete? To demand or inspire? To use emotion or logic? Compassionate or hard-headed-businessey? Yes. Both. All. In your corner, Mike PS: …
Out beyond left and right, beyond us and them, beyond even right and wrong or good and bad, there is a field rich with the …
We try to define who we are by our roles, titles, duties, traits, accomplishments, and various group memberships. Though these are completely inadequate substitutions, we …
We can’t control how people will take criticism or feedback. Any prescription for how we do it (directly, indirectly, gently, or abruptly) might work. If …