What’s My Title?
How can we be leaders without a title (or, without the title we might want to have)? Easy. Solve a problem that others would love …
Tips and Insights about influencing people toward shared goals.
How can we be leaders without a title (or, without the title we might want to have)? Easy. Solve a problem that others would love …
To be powerful, our first step is learn to tell it apart from force. The difference is difficult to describe but easy to see. We …
In his book, The Hard Thing About the Hard Things, Ben Horowitz reminds us that there are two types of leaders. He calls them, appropriately, …
Who would you rather hire: the expert or the novice? Which we should hire depends on what we mean by “expert.” Often we think we …
What is the difference between, “Do this,” and “How should we get this done?” Tell me something or tell/ask me to do something and I …
We all sometimes make mistakes or do things in a less-than-helpful way (e.g. late, surly, or sloppily). We typically forgive each other, forget, and move …
Every business must have a rhythm for people getting the right things done well together. The rhythm includes regular, sane, productive meetings, a way to …
Deep down, we know all this: People follow, agree with, and buy from people who are genuinely calm, energetic (those are not mutually exclusive), and …
Holding each other accountable is a critical part of working well together. All leaders must master this. Many struggle to get others to follow through. But …
Want to have more wasted effort, delays, and incomplete work? All we have to do is dictate deadlines and watch everyone’s productivity come crashing down. When …