Another Manic Monday
Another Manic Monday

Another Manic Monday

Welcome to another Monday morning: email overflowing, task lists jam-packed, and calendars stuffed with meetings. Ugh.

Feeling the pressure, our response to another manic Monday is often to get busy. We feel bad so we jump into action in order to feel good. But that’s backwards. When we jump into action while feeling bad, we bring fewer resources to the table, we tend to alienate those who can help us, and the simple solutions we need remain out of sight, out of reach.

The proper order of things on a manic Monday or any day is to feel good, then act. Try raising your buzz. Next, take time to update your lists and plan your week. Then dive into your most compelling task (and here).

The by-products will be more energy, happiness, effectiveness, and ease.


In your corner,


PS: One more by-product: you’ll find yourself loving Mondays.


Today’s photo credit: Trish Hamme cc

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