There Is No Law

There is no law that says we have to compete on price. Despite what people say and what we may fear, we do not need to lower our prices in order to succeed.

The law that does apply is the law of supply and demand. If we honestly provide something rare and valuable then people will happily pay more. What’s rare and valuable? Our understanding of and ability to serve our clients, our ability to work well with others, and our commitment to something bigger than ourselves or this transaction.

Instead of price-cutting, we can race to the top by listening, caring, serving, and improving.



In your corner,


PS: This does not mean we get to raise our prices just because we think we deserve it.

PPS: Another way to see it: we will have all the money we want as a happy by-product of listening, caring, serving, and improving.


Today’s photo credit: Eric E Johnson Law books 2 via photopin (license)

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