Open the Door to More
If we persist in thinking that there’s something fundamentally wrong with them, us, or the situation, then we will be locked into our current levels …
If we persist in thinking that there’s something fundamentally wrong with them, us, or the situation, then we will be locked into our current levels …
We are not broken. But many of our thoughts and actions come from the belief that we and/or others somehow are. Good leader, if we …
Thoughts create. So if you could think one thought that would change everything, would you? Given the opportunity, most of us would not. Usually our thoughts, beliefs, …
“Something bad is going to happen.” “This sucks.” “I’m angry.” “I’m not as good as others.” “Others don’t/can’t get it.” “I am worried.” “There is …
The thoughts that most determine our success are the ones about who we think we are. If we find ourselves stuck, it’s likely because we …
More often, when we tell the story of our future, is it of the future we want or of what we don’t want? Is our future …
Even when we are stressed, challenged, angry, lost, or overwhelmed, we each have the ability to pause–whenever and wherever–and flip to a thought that feels …
Some of us are action junkies. Some of us are devotees of the Think System. Yet whenever we want to make a change, we must …
In order to change someone’s mind, start where their mind is now. Should we start with our position–by convincing, educating, lobbying, telling, fighting, begging, tricking, …
Inboxes overflowing, papers stacked, multiple to do lists with unknown numbers of to dos, anything physical or non-physical that is stagnant or piled. We think …