every day

Our Every Morning Story

“Psst. “See that pile of tasks over there? Yeah. And the other pile behind that one? And all the tasks you’ve got […]


Tiny Leap of Faith

Just after any moment that we catch ourselves feeling bad there is a tiny instant of choice. It is so small that we […]


It Seems The Only Thing to Do

It’s easy to think that raising our buzz won’t help matters. Hanging out down there, we think that struggling, worrying, pushing, avoiding, […]

which way

Need I Ask Which Way?

“This needs to happen so I am going to worry/push/avoid/hope/drive hard to make it happen. Then I’ll be safe/happy/connected/abundant/free.” Or… “I want […]


The Buzz-Raising Tools

The purpose of each of the buzz-raising tools is to help us focus our thinking on what we want. When we do, we feel better, others are […]


Too Much Bad to Feel Good?

How can I raise my buzz? How can I go about feeling good when circumstances are this bad? –Everyone Your results match how […]


What NOT To Do When Overwhelmed

We could blame others, ourselves, or the situation. But things would get worse if we did. We might try working harder. But […]


Buzz-Raising for Profit

Avoid the temptation to label feeling good or raising your buzz as soft, touchy-feely, or impractical. Buzz-raising is an asset that generates […]


The Fade

Here is a subtly powerful buzz-raising tool. It’s especially useful should we ever find we can’t seem to make the other tools […]