We Have To Call Them On This Stuff
Social conventions tell us not to say anything when we witness less-than-effective (or worse!) behaviors such as BS, bad-taste jokes, drama, or poor treatment of …
Social conventions tell us not to say anything when we witness less-than-effective (or worse!) behaviors such as BS, bad-taste jokes, drama, or poor treatment of …
…of insanity, you are the antidote. Sit amidst the uncertainty. Bring the calm and perspective. Ask the deeper questions. Set the tone. Be the leader …
If we focus on something we don’t like (especially if we go on about what’s wrong with it and why we don’t like it) then …
Meetings can be hellish. But how much better would our meetings go if we were genuinely curious about the people and their work? What if …
We think being professional includes remaining detached and objective. Only this way, the thinking goes, can professionals exhibit their technical competence and do their job. …
The story we tell drives our results. Tell a story of how rough it is, how terrible they are, how blah blah blah and our …
Trying to figure it all out and get it all done are the siren songs of leadership. They snare us every time. We can avoid …
The sages tell us that the formula for creating any outcome is belief->actions->results. This is a leverage formula. We leverage action into results because we …
Most of what we need, want, or desire can be accomplished by building a new habit. But our old habits come with a protection scheme. …
A leader once met a sage. The leader said, “It’s so hard to get people to do stuff at work. I’ve tried pushing, asking, being …