Better Interviews
The usual way to think of a job interview is as some sort of a test. The interviewee, wanting to be judged worthy, studies and …
The usual way to think of a job interview is as some sort of a test. The interviewee, wanting to be judged worthy, studies and …
A pitch is a presentation to get people to consider our offer. (We all have something to offer.) Whether presenting to the board, asking for …
“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” – Simon Sinek We all have something of value to offer. Whether we …
We can try to do many things distractedly. We can try to improve how quickly we switch from task to task. We can be stressed …
Here’s an interesting quotation: “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.” …
Trolls at work (as opposed to on the Internet or elsewhere), are those selfish, slimy, fake, icky manipulators we sometimes encounter. Trolls are the ones …
Many of us don’t respect our talents. We often deny having any talents (we each have them). Or we think that our qualities are not …
We thrive when we go within ourselves for direction, validation, insight, and answers. We fail–or at least get stuck on “meh”–when we reach outside ourselves …
Successful people have a special relationship with obstacles: they push through them. Unlike people who are just pushy, angry, or demanding, the truly successful people …
I cannot argue that we needn’t bother protecting trade secrets. Maybe there are ideas or methods that should be kept hidden away. Or maybe the …