Despite the Drama, It Is All Working Out
Thought you should hear this: despite the drama, everything is working out. I suggest you can relax. And have not a single worry about how …
An open, calm, confident mindset. Plugged in, mostly. Opting for feel good, then act instead of get into action to shut down bad feelings.
Thought you should hear this: despite the drama, everything is working out. I suggest you can relax. And have not a single worry about how …
To create something new, we must dream it then let it happen. Dreaming means answering completely the questions, “What do we want?” and “Why?” Letting …
We leaders (with or without title) have some significant and often unmet needs. We need to know we are making good decisions. We want to …
Author Michael Pollan describes so well how most of us feel about tasks, goals, and getting stuff done. He says, “My native tense is the …
When you raise your buzz, new tools and solutions–ones you couldn’t see or wouldn’t appreciate at a lower buzz–become available. One of those tools is …
“Impossible.” “That won’t work.” “I’m not that lucky.” “I’m not that smart.” “You can’t change things.” “It always happens this way.” “It’s never worked out …
Finding success can seem a struggle because most of us carry around a coiled tension within. Afraid or unsure of what’s coming, we tense up …
An astute reader pointed out, “Sometimes we have to raise our own buzz in order to be able to raise other people’s buzz.” So true. …
We have somehow come to believe that we must vigilantly think about how all manner of things will unfold. We imagine that bad things will …
We have good want and bad want. Good want says things like, “I want this and am excited that it is on its way.” Bad …