Responsible for Everything
Some useful thoughts are easily misconstrued into something quite controversial. Take, for instance, this statement: We are completely responsible for everything that happens to us. At first …
An open, calm, confident mindset. Plugged in, mostly. Opting for feel good, then act instead of get into action to shut down bad feelings.
Some useful thoughts are easily misconstrued into something quite controversial. Take, for instance, this statement: We are completely responsible for everything that happens to us. At first …
We interrupt your work day to bring you this special message. All that stress you’re running and all those tasks you’re doing right now? How’s …
Experts tell us that we humans have a negativity bias. We tend to think more about what’s wrong and what could go wrong. And, strictly …
Stress is the difference between the way things are and the way we think they should be. This means that we can reduce stress by either …
When we feel bad (perhaps tense, angry, guilty, or fearful), we tend to want to do stuff to fix things and make us feel better. But …
Just a quick reminder to pause before jumping into action today: take time to find thoughts that physically feel good to think. Spend about 5 minutes. …
There are two kinds of expectation. The first is like an angry demand: “I expect you to do your homework. I expect people to listen …
Without much effort at all, we can see the amazing beauty that surrounds us this moment. We have all experienced it before. Even in the …
There are two ways to approach work and life: outer-directed or inner-directed. Outer-directed: We can be directed by what we perceive are other people’s demands …
Change can appear so hard that we often will do anything to avoid it. Stagnation happens inside organizations from this fear of change. Come to …