“Something bad is going to happen.”
“This sucks.”
“I’m angry.”
“I’m not as good as others.”
“Others don’t/can’t get it.”
“I am worried.”
“There is something wrong with me, you, or that.”
Have you had any of these low-buzz thoughts more than once in the last 24 hours? Many of us think low-buzz thoughts out of habit. And we may fear that, despite our efforts and some blog posts, we will always think low-buzz thoughts.
And here’s the good news: high buzz overwhelms low buzz. One high-buzz, good-feeling thought packs quite a punch: it cancels out bunches and bunches of low-buzz ones. We can use a few good-feeling thoughts to move us quickly to a higher buzz and to the solutions we need that are only available when we are feeling good.
In your corner,
Today’s photo credit: Generation Bass cc