How to Better Handle Other People’s Requests
When people ask us to do things, we usually respond unthinkingly with “yes,” “no,” or silence. That’s because we are unsure about what else we …
When people ask us to do things, we usually respond unthinkingly with “yes,” “no,” or silence. That’s because we are unsure about what else we …
Greet the client using the phrase the other retail automatons use or be genuinely glad they arrived? Profit as the driver or the happy byproduct? …
Whenever any goal consistently remains out of reach, resilient habits of thought may be the problem. resile v.i. To start back; to recoil to recede …
We usually select people to hire by answering the questions, “Can they do the job? Have they done the job?” We want to know their …
Sometimes, no amount of tools, tricks, habits or systems are enough to get us and keep us sane and organized. When that’s the case, the …
To be a Pollyanna is to be irrepressibly positive amidst the realities of life. Those who haven’t figured it out yet use the term pejoratively. …
Fundamentally, every single thought you have is creative. Both the positive, good-feeling ones and the negative, bad-feeling ones. Even the subconscious ones. Even the thought …
Tell me something you really, really need in your life. And I’ll tell you what you really, really need to give to others. “Whoa,” you …
We often think that we must defer to the boss or the prevailing culture in an organization. This can be wise. Sometimes, it is decidedly …
We can argue until we are blue in the face. We will win a skirmish here and there yet remain at war. Or, we can …