How to Pick the Best Few Things To Do
They say that we can be most productive not by getting more done but by picking the few best things to do. But how to …
Improving how we deliver sustainably and scalably.
They say that we can be most productive not by getting more done but by picking the few best things to do. But how to …
“Busy.” We hear this all the time. It is a common response to questions like, “How are you?” and “How was your day?” What do we …
We can come up with some pretty great ideas for projects, businesses, jobs, and adventures we’d love to do. They can occur to us in …
Most days we waste a whack of time and energy. We struggle to figure out–and do first–the most important, urgent, due, or priority tasks. We …
Here is the fundamental conflict in leadership. People universally resist being told what to do. We, as leaders (with or without titles), feel we are …
Unless a due date represents a specific promise we’ve made to others, let’s not put due dates on our tasks. We really don’t want to …
“What got you here won’t get you there.” – Marshall Goldsmith. “There is no need to change. Survival is not mandatory.” – W. Edwards Deming. …
Think big: what could be so much better than it is now? To get that, we don’t need a special title. We don’t need permission. …
Here are three work-life balance roadblocks and ways to clear them: We see “work” as something we struggle through. We see the grind, the guilt …
When we are running a low buzz, most of the wisdom and advice we hear sounds like misguided, wishful thinking, at best, or deceptive cruelty …