Habits That No Longer Work
Many of our habits come from decisions we made as children. These decisions might include being shy or outgoing or being passive or forceful. They …
An open, calm, confident mindset. Plugged in, mostly. Opting for feel good, then act instead of get into action to shut down bad feelings.
Many of our habits come from decisions we made as children. These decisions might include being shy or outgoing or being passive or forceful. They …
When people are down, they can’t be productive and they pull others down with them. Sometimes all they need is some wind in their sails. They …
One of the main causes of procrastination is confusion about what to do next. When we do not know the best next, small, discreet step …
We are not broken. But many of our thoughts and actions come from the belief that we and/or others somehow are. Good leader, if we …
How much are you worth? This common, insidious question mixes two ideas that really should stay apart. It asks about how much money you have …
The start of anything worthwhile is a thought. Nothing happens until someone has a thought like, “Hey, this would be cool.” When you direct your …
A good chunk of our lives is irrational. Many of our (mostly habitual) thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors come from the fears (or, more accurately, the …
We can choose to focus on lack or on appreciation. Focusing on the lack of anything pretty much always prolongs whatever is lacking. Focusing on …
The sages tell us that the best way to get what we want is to give it to others first. Sounds like an odd approach. …
Never underestimate your ability to dramatically improve even the toughest, darkest, most challenging situations by modeling resilience, calm, and unconditional faith in others. Raise your …