Things You Might Enjoy Doing This (or Any) Morning
Notice how you feel after doing any of these things when you get out of bed in the morning. Stand like Wonder Woman or Superman …
An open, calm, confident mindset. Plugged in, mostly. Opting for feel good, then act instead of get into action to shut down bad feelings.
Notice how you feel after doing any of these things when you get out of bed in the morning. Stand like Wonder Woman or Superman …
Chocolate and vanilla. Dogs and cats. Science and myth. Smart and good looking. People and profits. Life is better when we act as if and …
Maybe it’s a cultural vestige: we seem to believe deep down that everyone is flawed, broken, and even unworthy. We also seem to think that some …
The sages tell us that we each create our own reality. This is challenging. For, to believe it, we would have to come to grips …
When we notice something right, we can encourage more of it by focusing on it. Appreciating people’s good work, for example, sets the stage for …
You are good. You are strong. You do good work. We need you today. Thanks for being here. Let’s have fun! In your corner, …
Sages tell us that the way to have what we want is to allow it, to detatch, to get out of the way. Best we …
There is huge freedom, joy, and growth in (finally, whew!) accepting that we are each responsible for everything. Blame is the game of our less-mature …
When we fall a bit behind in our work, we deploy our standard strategy: working a bit harder. But when we are feeling overwhelmed, our …
Which will deliver better results? An action taken while in fear, uncertainty, doubt, worry, anger, regret, or guilt or the same action taken while in …