Five-Minute Feedback
Giving others feedback is one of the more difficult jobs of a leader. It can be so uncomfortable. We know we have to do it …
Tips and Insights about influencing people toward shared goals.
Giving others feedback is one of the more difficult jobs of a leader. It can be so uncomfortable. We know we have to do it …
Wantrepreneurs are people who deeply desire to start a business but don’t. Fear is the main obstacle. We worry whether our idea is right, if we …
Growing up, our adults taught us to get our stuff done. “It’s important,” they all said. We learned how to sleep through the night, eat …
We can best describe what we do by imagining how clients or bosses would say that they benefit from our work. Try completing this template …
We’ve heard that good networking is a two-way street: we are supposed to give and get, not only one or the other. Makes sense; sounds fair. …
Many of us fear networking. We often think people will feel put upon or even angry if we ask them for help. And that may …
Let’s build upon foundations of relationship to be effective in leadership, sales, and influence. By relationship I mean the quality, duration, and breadth of emotional …
An enzyme is a protein whose job is to speed biological reactions that would normally take a long time. They make some reactions happen as …
We get ourselves hamstrung trying to do leadership, influence, or sales right. We read the books, take the classes, and listen to the gurus. Sure, …
Try being, at once, both happy and unhappy. Try being both high buzz and low buzz. Or try being both worried (or concerned) about your …