We Have a Manipulation Problem
We have a manipulation problem. We don’t want to manipulate or be manipulated. But we all want to get various and sundry people to do what …
Tips and Insights about influencing people toward shared goals.
We have a manipulation problem. We don’t want to manipulate or be manipulated. But we all want to get various and sundry people to do what …
Maybe it’s a cultural vestige: we seem to believe deep down that everyone is flawed, broken, and even unworthy. We also seem to think that some …
Sometimes trying to get others to do the things we know they need to do (because it’s their job or it’s for their own good) …
In growing businesses, people have to wear many hats. This is doable when the company is new, smaller, and the volume of work is manageable. …
Poor leaders react. When something unexpected or unwanted happens, they act, rather unproductively, from habit. They speak whatever comes to mind. They exhibit little wisdom. …
The sages tell us that we each create our own reality. This is challenging. For, to believe it, we would have to come to grips …
There are only two times when we get to tell people what to do: in a true emergency or when they are not yet competent …
If we tell people what to do, when to do it, or how to do it, it’s easy for them to feel justified when it doesn’t go well. …
When we notice something right, we can encourage more of it by focusing on it. Appreciating people’s good work, for example, sets the stage for …
“Here’s what you need to do…” People will resist our ideas and never change (or they might maliciously comply) when we start with us, our …