It can look like complaint, frustration, withdrawal, fear, defensiveness, anger, worry, guilt, pushing, or avoiding. No matter. If anything has led you to believe that you are separate, above, below, isolated, or disconnected from any and all others, please–please–look again.
The deep-down insight here is that, despite appearances, all of us are intimately connected. We are not only all in this together, we are all this together.
In your corner,
PS: And, despite appearances, we each can experience this deep-down insight first-hand. It usually sneaks up on us and feels a-bit-scary-a-lot-wonderful.
PPS: When we get this, business and life flows so much better.
PPPS: And then we unleash all that creativity, fun, and success we’ve suspected was always there.
PPPPS: Too vague? Too esoteric? Yah, that happens. A tip: pretend “we are one” is true and see what happens.
PPPPPS: A big part of our job as leaders is to hold this open for others to get, too.
Today’s photo credit: modesrodriguez Cosmos via photopin (license)