More on Taking Breaks
More on Taking Breaks

More on Taking Breaks

In last week’s article on taking breaks, I asked you to consider improving your effectiveness by adding an extra break to your work day. Today: what to do when you take a break.

In the movie, Men In Black III, the protagonists get stumped figuring out how to save the planet from sure destruction. What do they do? They go have a slice of pie. And it works! It clears their head and they are able to think of a creative solution to their little problem.

Of course, you could go get some pie, too. My recommendation, though, is to move your body. Try:

  • Taking a walk . (Ideally, take a walk in nature; a city park will do.)
  • Going to the gym.
  • Doing some “office yoga” stretches. (Have you ever noticed how much better it feels to do even a simple, mindful forward bend?)

Simply getting your body moving for a few minutes can be a great break.


To your continued success,


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