Preparing For The Worst
Preparing for the worst has an annoying tendency to encourage the worst to accept your invitation. Oddly, so does fearing the worst. And so does …
Preparing for the worst has an annoying tendency to encourage the worst to accept your invitation. Oddly, so does fearing the worst. And so does …
A friend wrote: “I would love to talk to [you] about specific problems I have, to lay it all out on the table and sit …
Have you ever caught yourself in a foul or fearful mood and wondered, “Who ordered this mess?” Worse, have you gotten angry or worried about …
When reacting to a situation, you may catch yourself saying, “Well that’s just the way I am.” Correction, my friend. That is the way you …
With effort you can use various techniques to get win-win results. Technique alone is subject to error and misinterpretation. It will be much easier when …
They say that Fortune smiles on the lucky or the ready. Fortune and her sisters Love, Freedom, Health, and Happiness always smile on you. Your …
“Why don’t they get it? It is so simple.” If you are thinking something like this, then pause. They are not ready for your solution …
Sure you can worry, complain, or get angry about another person’s decisions, behaviors, or attitude. You can go ahead and demand, plead, negotiate, attack, capitulate, …
There are several good ways to lead. You can Conduct. You know what is and what is needed. You decide what others are to do, …
Where, at work and home, are you trying to strike a bargain that looks like this? “When X becomes true, then I will be happy, …