How You Fit
How You Fit

How You Fit

I don’t know what is the ideal life- and work path for you. But I do know it will use and refine your talents. It will engage you in things you care about. It will leave behind struggle, frustration, fighting, compromise, and sacrifice. And, by providing something of value to some other people, it will be bigger than you. It’s also 100% possible for you, despite any doubts.

If you are not already doing this ideal, it is highly likely that your are doing some of it and can identify the rest.

Though thinking about the obstacles to the ideal may seem the prudent next step, it’s thinking about how wonderful this life is/will be that will lead you quickly in the direction you want to go.


In your corner,


PS: It is always a fine day when we remember how we fit into the puzzle of the universe.


Today’s photo credit: Dave Ginsberg cc

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